> The feedvalidator catches silly, boring corner-cases every day.
> I hesitate to bring it up again as it has proven to incite adhominen
> attacks from within this workgroup, but we have an example of a
> respected journalist who has published a book in which he specifically
> called out this.

So? What does that have to do with interop?

> And we have the experience from RSS 2.0 (motto: everything is optional!
> and extensible!) whereby Don Box introduced xhtml:body into his feed in
> place of description, something that most aggregators support today.

Yes, and he just might stick xaml:body in there next year. We can't stop him.

> On the other hand, what we have is arguments that entries with empty
> summaries is not possible with the current format - something that is
> blatantly incorrect.

Well, the argument was originally that people don't like title-only
feeds, so we shouldn't even worry about them (see journalist point

> We also had a very complex and delicate negotiation a while back that
> seems to have been forgotten.  It is quite possible to produce feeds
> with content that is base64 encoded binary or out of band.  What is
> desired in such circumstances is precisely akin to specifications that
> require alt attributes for img tags.  It atom's case, it is a summary.

I've edited Tim's Pace to show what the resulting text would look
like, since a summary would still be required in such circumstances.
Hopefully, the resulting requirements are clear now.

Robert Sayre

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