On 5/15/05, Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 10, 2005, at 9:14 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
> > <entry fooBar="true">
> >    <title>...</title>
> >    <evilExtension />
> >    ...
> > </entry>
> >
> > Legal? Which part of the spec rules it out?
> No part.  Per
> http://www.atompub.org/2005/04/18/draft-ietf-atompub-format
> -08.html#rfc.section.6.2 it's unknown foreign markup, with clear rules
> for how to handle it, right?

Yes, there are clear parsing rules. What's the benefit of allowing such markup?

Robert Sayre

P.S. -- I've created an atom:drm element. It resides in the W3C
namespace and is RFCxxxx compliant. Its contents are subject to the
provisions of the DMCA. For a small fee, you can read its

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