On May 16, 2005, at 10:44 AM, Robert Sayre wrote:

I am not looking for a repeat of that discussion. Atom 1.0 Processors
cannot distinguish between markup added later on by the IETF and
markup added by a third party, so the processing rules must remain as
they are. That doesn't mean we should allow anyone and everyone to add
elements and attributes to the Atom namespace.

My problem is that putting text in the format spec saying "Nobody but the IETF can extend the namespace" feels empty and useless, are we going to send Marshall Rose over to beat up anyone who tries? It's like clauses in constitutions saying "this clause can't be amended", well yes it can and will be if enough people want it to. I guess staking the claim is not actively harmful. FWIW I don't recall ever seeing such language in any other specs, but maybe I just wasn't looking. -Tim

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