On 5/20/05, Ben Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Sayre wrote:
> > Right now, the spec reads as if there is one primary person, and then
> > a bunch of contributor minions. The example also makes it look that
> > way. Maybe we could adjust it to make atom:author a 'primary field'
> > and then atom:contributor could break each entity. So, Ben's example
> > would have 1 atom author field and four atom:contributors.
> >
> >

I meant


  <atom:name>Yuri Fialko, David Sandwell, Mark Simons &amp; Paul

    <atom:name>Yuri Fialko</atom:name>
    <atom:name>David Sandwell</atom:name>
    <atom:name>Mark Simons</atom:name>
    <atom:name>Paul Rosen</atom:name>


Robert Sayre

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