I am preparing to write up some thoughts on an initial I-D for XML Digital Signatures and Encryption in Atom and wanted to get some initial thoughts from the group on a few syntax issues starting first with some encryption thoughts:

Below are a few snippets of feeds with different encryptions each with their own distinct issues.

1. No encryption  (potentially encrypted in transport using SSL/TLS)
     <content type="text">this is some content</content>

2. Text content of #1 is encrypted.
     <content type="???">
       <EncryptedData xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#";
<CipherValue><!-- cipher of "this is some content" --></CipherValue>

What should the value of the type attribute be in this case? A strict reading of the Atom spec would dictate a value of "xml", but doing so would cause us to lose the content type of the unencrypted content. A simple solution would be to introduce a new extension attribute on the content element that captures the type of the unencrypted content.

e.g. <content type="xml" enc:type="text"><EncryptedData ...>...</EncryptedData></content>

3. Content metadata element is encrypted <feed>
       <EncryptedData xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#";
<CipherValue><!-- cipher of "<content type="text">this is some content</content>" --></CipherValue>

In this case, the metadata elements themselves are encrypted opening the obvious issue that all of the encrypted elements need to be decrypted in order to perform the processing of the Atom elements. In other words, you wouldn't be able to validate that an entry is conformant until you decrypted everything.

4. Entry element is encrypted
        <EncryptedData xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#";
<CipherValue><!-- cipher of "<entry>...</entry>" --></CipherValue>

Same basic issue as #3 only not so bad.
5. Entire feed is encrypted
 <EncryptedData xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#";
        <CipherValue><!-- cipher of "<feed>...</feed>" --></CipherValue>

Simple and too the point. The only challenge is how we identify this as being an encrypted Atom feed. It does not conform to the rules of the application/atom+xml media type. Perhaps a new application/atomenc+xml media type could be used or is there a better way?


- James

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