Friday, June 17, 2005, 6:14:38 PM, Tim Bray wrote:

> My feeling was that we ruled out composite types in *local* content
> [...]

I'm still looking, but my suspicion is that we never did rule them
out, and that this restriction crept in during some editorial

> [...] for fairly obvious reasons.

I don't know what the obvious reasons are...

Lack of client support? - hardly seems a reason to ban a MIME type,
else there is a huge list of ones that we should ban at IANA.

We are defining a data format here. If publishers want to publish
entries as text, message/rfc-822, application/msword, image/jp2, or
whatever, then that is up to them. I don't see how we can justify a
MUST NOT requirement for "composite types".

> The fix is obvious, in

> "Failing that, it MUST be a MIME media type.  If the "src" attribute
> is not provided, i.e. the content is local, the value of the "type"
> attribute MUST NOT be a composite type... "

I'm in favour of replacing:

  "Failing that, it MUST be a MIME media type, but MUST NOT be a
  composite type (see Section 4.2.6 of [MIMEREG])."


  "Failing that, it MUST be a MIME media type."


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