On 31/7/05 8:16 AM, "Antone Roundy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> <foo:non-traversable-reference id-of-other-entry="...">
>     <link ... />
> </foo:non-traversable-reference>
> ...unless it were done this way:
> <link ...>
>     <foo:non-traversable-reference id-of-other-entry="..." />
> </link>

Why not this...

    <link href="derefence-URI" foo:idref="id-of-other-entry" />


While true that nesting elements does allow for more flexible cardinality,
in practice will that actually happen? That is, how likely is this?

    <foo:non-traversable-reference id-of-other-entry="...">
        <link ... />
        <link ... />
        <link ... />

Similarly, does this make any sense at all?

    <link ...>
        <foo:non-traversable-reference id-of-other-entry="..." />
        <foo:non-traversable-reference id-of-other-entry="..." />
        <foo:non-traversable-reference id-of-other-entry="..." />

I can't see how. I've we're going limit the number of sub-elements to
zero-or-one, then we can just stick that into an attribute of the parent


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