So, you're really looking for entry-level, time-based invalidation, no?

I guess the simplest way to do this would be to dereference the link and see if you get a 404/410; if you do, you know it's no longer good.

That's not terribly efficient, but OTOH managing metadata in multiple places is tricky, and predicting the future doubly so :) Most people get expiration times really wrong. And clock sync becomes an issue as well.

I'd think that if you have reasonable control over the polling of the feed, and a solid enough state model (which might include an explicit deletion mechanism), you could have a similar effect by just removing the items from the feed when they expire, with the expectation that when they disappear from the feed, they disappear from the client. Would that work for your use case?

On 09/08/2005, at 9:07 PM, James M Snell wrote:

First off, let me stress that I am NOT talking about caching scenarios here... (my use of the terms "application layer" and "transport layer" were an unfortunate mistake on my part that only served to confuse my point)

Let's get away from the multiprotocol question for a bit (it never leads anywhere constructive anyway)... Let's consider an aggregator scenario. Take an entry from a feed that is supposed to expire after 10 days. The feed document is served up to the aggregator with the proper HTTP headers for expiration. The entry is extracted from the original feed and dumped into an aggregated feed. Suppose each of the entries in the aggregated feed are supposed to have their own distinct expirations. How should the aggregator communicate the appropriate expirations to the subscriber? Specifying expirations on the HTTP level does not allow me to specify expirations for individual entries within a feed. Use case: an online retailer wishes to produce a "special offers" feed. Each offer in the feed is a distinct entity with it's own terms and own expiration: e.g. some offers are valid for a week, other offers are valid for two weeks, etc. The expiration of the offer (a business level construct) is independent of whether or not the feed is being cached or not (a protocol level construct); publishing a new version of the feed (e.g. by adding a new offer to the feed) should have no impact on the expiration of prior offers published to the feed.

Again, I am NOT attempting to reinvent an abstract or transport- neutral caching mechanism in the same sense that the atom:updated element is not attempting to reinvent Last-Modified or that the via link relation is not attempting to reinvent the Via header, etc. They serve completely different purposes. The expires and max-age extensions I am proposing should NOT be used for cache control of the Atom documents in which they appear.

>I think we can declare victory here by simply a) using whatever caching mechanism is available, and b) designating a "won't change" flag. Speaking *strictly* about cache control of Atom documents, +1. No document level mechanisms for cache control are necessary.

- James

Mark Nottingham wrote:

HTTP isn't a transport protocol, it's a transfer protocol; i.e., the caching information (and other entity metadata) are *part of* the entity, not something that's conceptually separate.

The problem with having an "abstract" or "transport-neutral" concept of caching is that it leaves you with an awkward choice; you can either a) exactly replicate the HTTP caching model, which is difficult to do in other protocols, b) "dumb down" HTTP caching to a subset that's "neutral", or c) introduce a contradictory caching model and suffer the clashes between HTTP caching and it.

This is the same road that Web services sometimes tries to go down, and it's a painful one; coming up with the grand, protocol- neutral abstraction that enables all of the protocol-specific features is hard, and IMO not necessary. Ask yourself: are there any situations where you *have* to be able to seamlessly switch between protocols, or is it just a "convenience?"

I think we can declare victory here by simply a) using whatever caching mechanism is available, and b) designating a "won't change" flag.

On 09/08/2005, at 11:53 AM, James M Snell wrote:

Henry Story wrote:

Now I am wondering if the http mechanism is perhaps all that is needed for what I want with the unchanging archives. If it is then perhaps this could be explained in the Feed History RFC. Or are there other reasons to
add and "expires" tag to the document itself?

On the application level, a feed or entry may expire or age indepedently of whatever caching mechanisms may be applied at the transport level. For example, imagine a source that publishes special offers in the form of Atom entries that expire at a given point in time. Now suppose that those entries are being distributed via XMPP and HTTP. It is helpful to have a transport independent expiration/max-age mechanism whose semantics operate on the application layer rather than the transport layer.

- James

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

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