Joe Gregorio wrote:
> Why not POST the Atom Entry, ala the Atom Publishing Protocol?
        This would be an excellent idea if what we were talking about was a
low volume site. However, a site like LiveJournal generates hundreds of
updates per minute. Right now, on a Sunday evening, they are updating at the
rate of 349 entries per minute. During peak periods, they generate much more
traffic. Generating 349 POST messages per minute to perhaps 10 or 15
different services means that they would be pumping out thousands of these
things per minute. It just isn't reasonable.
        Using an open TCP/IP socket to carry a stream of Atom Entries
results in much greater efficiencies with much reduced bandwidth and
processing requirements. 
        At PubSub, we've been experimentally providing "Fat Ping" versions
of our FeedMesh feeds to a small group of testers. We publish messages at a
rate much higher than LiveJournal does -- since we publish all of
LiveJournal's content plus everyone else's. We couldn't even consider Fat
Pings if we had to create and tear down a TCP/IP-HTTP session to post each
individual entry.
        There are many situations in which HTTP would work fine for Fat
Pings. However, for high-volume sites, it just isn't reasonable. The key, to
me, is that we establish the expectation that the Atom format is adequate to
the task (whatever the transport) and leave the transport selection as a
context dependent decision. Thus, some server/client pairs would exchange
streams of Atom entries using the POST based Atom Publishing Protocol while
others would exchange essentially the same streams using a more efficient
transport mechanism such as streaming raw sockets or even "Atom over XMPP".

        bob wyman

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