Joe Gregorio wrote:
> Why can't you keep that socket open, that is the default
> behavior for HTTP 1.1.
        In some applications, HTTP 1.1 will work just fine. However, HTTP
doesn't add much to the high volume case. It also costs a great deal. For
instance, every POST requires a response. This means that you're moving from
a pure streaming case to an endless sequence of application level ACK/NAKs
that are simply replicating what TCP/IP already does for you. Also, the HTTP
headers that would be required simply don't contribute anything useful. The
bandwidth overhead of the additional headers as well as the bandwidth,
processing and timing problems related to generating responses begins to
look pretty nasty when you're moving at hundreds of items per minute or
        One really good reason for using HTTP would be to exploit the
existing HTTP infrastructure including proxies, caches, application-level
firewalls, etc. However, I'm aware of no such infrastructure components that
are designed to handle well permanently open high-bandwidth connections. The
HTTP infrastructure is optimized around the normal uses of HTTP. This isn't
        One of the really irritating things about the current HTTP
infrastructure is that it is very "fragile." This is a problem that has
caused unlimited headaches for the folk trying to do "notification over
HTTP" (mod-pubsub, KnowNow, various HTTP-based IM/chat systems, etc.). The
problem is that HTTP connections, given the current infrastructure and
standard components, are very hard to keep open "permanently" or for a very
long period of time. One is often considered lucky if you can keep an HTTP
connection open for 5 minutes without having to re-initialize... Of course,
during the period between when your connection breaks and when you get it
re-established, you're losing packets. That means that you have to have a
much more robust mechanism for recovering lost messages and that means
increased complexity, network traffic, etc. The added complexity and trouble
can be justified in some cases; however, not in all cases.
        HTTP is great in some cases but not all. That's why the IETF has
defined BEEP, XMPP, SIP, SIMPLE, etc. in addition to HTTP. One protocol
model simply can't suit all needs at all times and in all contexts.
        Whatever... The point here is that Atom already has defined all that
appears to be needed in order to address the "Fat Ping" requirement whether
you prefer individual HTTP POSTs, POSTs over HTTP 1.1 connections, XMPP, or
raw open TCP/IP sockets. That is a good thing.

                bob wyman

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