* Bill de hÓra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-22 21:45]:
> ... which are cute. I forget I didn't have an opening tag, or a
> buffer for the entry. Oh wait, I do ;)

Sure. I didn’t say it was impossible. I was just saying that you
have to do more than scan the stream for the sequence “</entry>”.

> You already have an XML parser, that's not the problem;

The point is that if you get broken XML at some point, the parser
may be left in a state where it never closes an entry. Using an
illegal-in-XML character allows resynching without reconnecting
to the stream.

> [Incidentally this is a non-problem for APP because we're piggy
> backing on HTTP octets...]

Which Fat Pings are doing as well…

> I see all the +1s, but don't understand why reinventing
> multi-part MIME with formfeeds as a special case for Atom is
> more attractive that an infinite list of entries whose closing
> atom:feed tag never arrives.

Purely for the resynchronization aspect. If you believe that it’s
not an issue, then sure, there’s a lot less difference between
the two options.

* Martin Duerst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-23 05:10]:
> Well, modulo character encoding issues, that is. An FF will
> look differently in UTF-16 than in ASCII-based encodings.

Depends on whether you specify a single encoding for all entries
at the HTTP level or not. For this application, I would do just
that, in which case, as a bonus, non-UTF-8 streams would get to
avoid resending the XML preamble over and over and over.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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