--On August 22, 2005 12:36:17 AM -0400 Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With a HTTP client library and SAX, the "absolute simplest solution" is
> what Bob is describing: a single document that never completes.

Except that an endless document can't be legal XML, because XML requires
the root element to balance. An endless document never closes it. So, the
endless document cannot be legal Atom. Worse, there is no chance for error
recovery. One error, and the rest of the stream might not be parsable.

So, it is simple, but busted.

The standard trick here is to use a sequence of small docs, separated
by ASCII form-feed characters. That character is not legal within an
XML document, so it allows the stream to resyncronize on that character.
Besides, form-feed actually has almost the right semantics -- start a
new page.

Walter Underwood
Principal Software Architect, Verity

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