James Holderness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[About feed history and atom:link vs. fh:prev]

> I'm surprised nobody else has commented though. To me this seems like one of
> the most important extensions to Atom/RSS, and yet there aren't exactly
> hordes of people rushing to implement it or at least committing to do
> something once it's officially released. Or have I just missed previous
> discussions on the subject?

As a feed producer, I would love for feed consumers to be able to pull
back the history of my feeds if they choose.  But unfortunately seeing
the way this discussion is going, and the (for me) closely related
ordering extension, I'm not convinced I will be able to use them.

Of couse if you don't turn up, you don't get to complain about decisions
that get made, and unfortunately I don't have as much time as I'd like
to participate in these discusions.  But it's not that I don't care.

As far as the question at hand, I would be able to implent it in my
Atom/RSS2 feed generator easily enough either way.  Obviously it will be
a small amount of extra work if there is a format-dependent difference.
Playing devil's advocate for a minute, is it very wrong to use atom:link
for feed history in *RSS2*?


Peter Robinson

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