On 17/10/2005, at 12:31 PM, James M Snell wrote:

Debating how the entries are organized is fruitless. The Atom spec already states that the order of elements in the feed has no significance; trying to get an extension to retrofit order- significance into the feed is going to fail... just as I discovered with my Feed Index extension proposal.


I do believe that a "last" link relation would be helpful for completeness and I do believe the use cases are there (e.g. search results, etc) but I am ok with dropping that for now as it can easily be defined later once the use cases do become more prominent. Over the next week I'll see if I can draft up the spec. I'll use what MarkP put together as the basis for what I write up and submit.

We actually don't need a spec, according to -11; we just need to send an e-mail to IANA requesting the registrations, and get IESG approval. Assuming we can come to WG consensus, that should be easy.

I took a look at doing this over the weekend, and this is what I came up with;

 -  Attribute Value: prev
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed document containing entries that sequentially precede those in the current document. Note that the exact nature of the ordering between the entries and documents containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.
 -  Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations: Because automated agents may follow this link relation to construct a 'virtual' feed, care should be taken when it crosses administrative domains (e.g., the URI has a different authority than the current document).

 -  Attribute Value: next
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed document containing entries that sequentially follow those in the current document. Note that the exact nature of the ordering between the entries and documents containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.
 -  Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations: Because automated agents may follow this link relation to construct a 'virtual' feed, care should be taken when it crosses administrative domains (e.g., the URI has a different authority than the current document).

 -  Attribute Value: first
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed document containing those entries furthest preceding those in the current document at the time it was minted. Note that the exact nature of the ordering between the entries and documents containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.
 -  Expected display characteristics:
 -  Security considerations:

 -  Attribute Value: last
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed document containing those entries furthest following those in the current document at the time it was minted. Note that the exact nature of the ordering between the entries and documents containing them is not defined by this relation; i.e., this relation is only relative.
 -  Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
 -  Security considerations:

 -  Attribute Value: subscribe
- Description: A stable URI that, when dereferenced, returns a feed document containing the most recent entries in the feed. This URI is intended to be subscribed to to keep abreast of changes in the feed. When different from the URI of the feed document it exists in, it indicates a URi that should be used for this purpose in place of the current document's URI.
 -  Expected display characteristics: Undefined.
- Security considerations: Users should always be informed of the actual URI they are subscribing to, and subscription should only take place when it is explicitly requested.

I have one concern about this approach, which I'll outline separately (in response to Robert).

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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