Am 14.10.2005 um 20:00 schrieb James Holderness:
Mark Nottingham wrote:
Hmm. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Actually, I think this is an opportunity -- we we define a new link relation to the subscription document, and specify that it can only occur in archive documents, it obviates the need for a separate fh:archive flag, which in turn means that you don't have to declare two namespaces to use fh in RSS archive documents -- which was one of the things making me reluctant to switch over to atom:link.

How about:

<atom:link rel="subscription" href="..."/>

Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I'm not sure about the name though. Would it not be better as a verb (say "subscribe") since the link is effectively providing you with a url with which you can subscribe to the feed. This seems to me more in line with the verb-based link relations being used in the Atom publishing protocol.

Admittedly in this case the link could just as easily be interpreted as a passive pointer to a document rather than an operation as such. I'm not really arguing strongly either way. Just something to think about.

The idea is excellent. As for the naming sugar of the relation "head", "anchor" or "origin" could work also.


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