On 22/10/05 1:33 AM, "A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First, rel="self" is going to be implemented by most everything
> that groks Atom 1.0 in order to support one-click subscription,
> if applicable, right? Whereas this new relationship might not
> find such wide-spread support.

I believe we're in a moment of grace right now and we could, with a bit of
public advocacy, get 'subscribe' established and supported for one-click

> For these two (similar) reasons I think it might be wise to keep
> rel="self" in the role that this new rel="subscribe" thing is
> supposed to fulfill, and invent a new relationship that can point
> to the canonical location of the archive feed document.

This occurred to me too, but I had my reservations about it.


where I wrote:

    Fortunately, the link relation 'self' was defined in such a woolly
    way we could get away with re-purposing it. A few articles here or
    there, a bit of blog chatter, and the arrival of the fabled Developers
    Guide and we'd be set.

    I'd think this would be favourable to having to come up with a
    different pair of relations, like

        'self'       = what you subscribe to,
                       may not look anything like the chunk in front of you

        'this-chunk' = link to what you are looking at,
                       not to be confused with 'self'


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