On 25/10/05 5:17 PM, "Henry Story" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> <link rel="enclosure" type="audio/mpeg" href="http://example.com/
>>> file.mp3" xml:id="x-file">
>>>     <altlink:mirror href="http://www2.example.com/file.mp3"; />
>>>     <altlink:mirror href="http://www3.example.com/file.mp3"; />
>>> </link>
>> It¹s a lot more verbose and you have to fiddle with nesting.
>> What do you get in return? ³It looks more XMLish²?
> yes!? We are using xml!

not only that, but if someone wants to write another extension (gasp!), it
would be very easy to fold it in, using native XML methods...

<link ..>
    <x:alternate y:attribute=".." ...>
        <z:extension .../>

(not that I can think of any such extensions, but why be a bastard to future
inventors and innovators?)


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