Hello group,

over in #atom on irc.freenode.net, I was just explaining to John
Clark that xml:id is not forbidden by the spec, even though it’s
not explicitly allowed. As spec language was examined, we
discovered the following oddity in the RNC:

    undefinedAttribute =
      attribute * - (xml:base | xml:lang | local:*) { text }

If I’m reading that right, the RNC schema currently validates
documents with made-up attributes in the Atom namespace. Am I?
And if so, shouldn’t that declaration rather read as follows?

    undefinedAttribute =
      attribute * - (xml:base | xml:lang | atom:* | local:*) { text }

(Oh, and btw – the channel has plenty of room for more people!)

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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