On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 00:53 +0100, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> Hello group,
> over in #atom on irc.freenode.net, I was just explaining to John
> Clark that xml:id is not forbidden by the spec, even though it’s
> not explicitly allowed. As spec language was examined, we
> discovered the following oddity in the RNC:
>     undefinedAttribute =
>       attribute * - (xml:base | xml:lang | local:*) { text }
> If I’m reading that right, the RNC schema currently validates
> documents with made-up attributes in the Atom namespace. Am I?
> And if so, shouldn’t that declaration rather read as follows?
>     undefinedAttribute =
>       attribute * - (xml:base | xml:lang | atom:* | local:*) { text }

Atom uses a null namespace for its own attributes, not the atom
namespace.  This is covered by the "local" prefix.  The current atom.rnc
is correct.  Your suggested change would not be incorrect, but it would
add no value and be confusing (at least until atom ever decided to have
"global" attributes, for some reason).

Uche Ogbuji                               Fourthought, Inc.
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