Well, the subject says it all; here they are:

- It were nice if the example in 7.1 would include @xml:lang, since both workspace/@title and collection/@title are Language-Sensitive. Granted, there might be a Content-Language response header (not shown) to do the job, but IMHO the example would benefit from making language information explicit.

- The proposed file extension for APP Introspection Documents (.atomsrv) and its media type (application/atomserv+xml) are inconsistent. It would IMHO be better to use either "atomsrv" or "atomserv" consistently in both file extension and media type. Everything else is just confusing for no good reason.


Andreas Sewe

FWIW, I have set the Reply-To to atom-protocol, since it seems to be the more appropriate list to discuss these things -- not that it really matters, given the overlap between atom-syntax's and atom-protocol's audiences...

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