Bob Wyman wrote:
There is, I think, a compromise position here which will avoid breaking those existing implementations which follow the existing RFC's.

<co-chair-mode>In case you haven't noticed, the WG is hopelessly split between the new-media-type option and the media-type-parameter option. If a few people were to put up their hands and say "yeah what Bob said" your co-chairs would probably do a hasty consensus grab.</co-chair-mode>


1) Define ;type=feed and ;type=entry as optional parameters. (i.e. get them defined, registered, and "ready to use.")
2) Leave RFC4287 unchanged. i.e. do NOT re-define "application/atom-xml"
3) New specifications MAY require that ;type=entry be used. (Note: Just because ;type=entry is used DOES NOT imply that ;type=feed must also be used....)

Thus, APP would accept application/atom+xml when looking for a feed but might insist that entries be explicitly identified with a disambiguating type parameter. Thus, no code which currently uses "application/atom+xml" to designate a feed would be broken. Additionally, any code which is "properly" built and thus ignores unknown types will not be hurt when it sees "application/atom+xml;type=entry" since it will ignore the type parameter and dig around inside the data to figure out if it is feed or entry. The only code which will be hurt is some potential code that does not follow the existing RFCs for Atom or mime types. It is, I think, OK to occasionally break code that doesn't follow the specs.

Whatever the technical arguments may be, I believe it is important from a "political" point of view that we do not change the definition of things defined in Atom. I am all for extending Atom, but not for changing Atom. We must not change the exiting specification unless there is some really serious harm being done. If we do, we risk losing the trust of at least some members of the community that we've built these last few years... Folk will remember that one of the "advantages" that is claimed for RSS is that it has been declared to be eternally free from modification. While I personally believe that that is silly, the proponents of RSS do have a point when they speak of the value of stable specs. If we allow the Atom spec to be *changed* so soon after it was accepted and we don't have a really, really good reason for doing it, we will simply have proven the often made claim that standards groups simply can't be trusted with important specifications. We will be encouraging more of the kind of "standards making" that resulted in the mess that is RSS...

bob wyman

PS: Since Kyle points out that GData, a Google product, is potentially impacted by the results of this discussion, I should state that I currently work for Google -- although I am not currently assigned to any product or project that has a direct interest in the definition of Atom, APP, etc... My participation in this discussion, at this time, is driven purely by personal interest.

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