
on the NewsML list, an issue came up that due to they lack of a MIME type for 
NewsML using NewsML as Atom content is somewhat problematic[1]; I think this is 
the case with most of the more interesting XML applications out there.

Is there any chance to extend/revise Atom to allow an attribute on the content 
element that allows to specify the namespace of XML content given the MIME type 
is declared as application/xml or text/xml?

Actually, there is no posibility to do this as an Atom extension, is there?

What is the opinion of the compund document formats experts on this?


I recall Mark Baker using something similar in his former RDF Forms draft:

<rf:Container xmlns:rf="http://www.markbaker.ca/2003/rdfforms/";
rdf:resource="http://shoe-standards.example.org/orders/shoes/"/>  <<============
  <rf:intent rdf:resource="http://shoe-standards.example.org/order-shoes/"/>


[1] http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/newsml/message/2424
[2] http://www.markbaker.ca/2003/05/RDF-Forms/rdf-forms-old1.html

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