
On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 09:51:21PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hey
> I've been playing around with fc7t4 on a test box, specifically with 
> getting mythtv up and running on it. So far I've hit two snags:
> The first was the lack of nvidia-graphics-devices for fc7, but the one 
> from fc6 worked just fine. Curious as to why there isnt one available 
> though?

Hm, not sure I can give any reason, I somehow missed it. There are
probably more out there I missed and will surface once people start
using f7 more and more like you did. Thanks!

> The second more major one is lack of lirc, or more specifically the 
> correct modules. The one provided by fedora is very limited in which 
> kernel modules it provides. I'm after the mce usb one in my case
> Were you planning on building your normal set of lirc rpms for fc7 any 
> time soon?

This I can explain: It didn't build for previous kernels, so it was
deactivated in the export bits. But recent kernels did produce proper
kmdl w/o me noticing. So all I need is to flip the bit and the modules
will appear.

Check the repo in 5-10 min.

> Cheers for all the great work
> Dunc
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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