The 'bijou' 20100204 distribution of MythTV 0.22 will soon be
available in atrpms-testing.

New changes include:
* Updated to ATrpms r227.
* Add TCP keepalive to MythSocket connections (#7839).
* Blu-ray subtitle support (#6748).
* Reduce verbosity of log messages (#6730, #7982).
* Improvements to BlackCurves OSD theme (#7911, #7995).
* Fix to %YEARSTARS% when either year or stars is missing (my version
  of #7992).
* Clear subtitles when changing chapters (r23299).
* Miscellaneous video changes (#7827).

Prior changes include:
* Adjustments to ThreadedFileWriter's buffers. Significantly improves
recordings' integrity when destination disks are stressed, at the
cost of increased RAM usage. (That said, on my frontend/backend I've
recorded four HD streams at once without swapping.) My work.
* Improved audio upmixer (SVN patch #6975).
* Fix VDPAU video not resuming after xscreensaver (#7641).
* Fix for judder seen in various European 720p HD channels (#7481).
* Fix for MythVideo's bookmark dialog box killing keyboard input by
changing focus window (#7741).
* Fix for Jumppoints not working in MythVideo or when OSD is present
(#7322, #7939).
* Automatically scale number of user jobs based on system load
* Permit bringing up both Watch Recordings menus with just MENU, and
add Watched toggle to Playlist options (my variant on #6814).
* Chapter support in MKV videos (#7892, r23231).
* Improved detection of audio tracks when transcoding (my variant on
* Much faster seeking in videos, especially in MythVideo without
seektables (#7521, #7935).
* BT.709 and studio-level colors for VDPAU playback (#7307). For the
time being please follow the instructions in the patch notes, and
not the mythtv-users mailing list, to activate.
* Various ATSC closed-caption fixes (#7738, #7739, #7766, #7775,
* Miscellaneous, mostly video-related fixes (#7252, #7397, #7409,
#7454, #7759).

Yeechang Lee <> | San Francisco CA US

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