>|> I didn't report this as a bug because it's almost certainly some problem
 >|> with *my* systems (three of them!); otherwise you'd have been flooded
 >|> with complaints. But if there's any user with the same symptoms we could
 >|> try and determine what we have in common.
 >|Three systems? It's extremely reproducable - I wonder what these
 >|systems have in common other system don't have at all. Same audio
 >|hardware maybe? 

All are using integrated Intel audio. But a Fedora-15 partition on one
system uses the same hardware as the Centos-6 partition and vlc works
okay there.

 >|Otherwise it must be some configuration part that is
 >|the same on all.

Not sure what this means. I'd think it was some library that isn't
fully compatible.

 >|If you have the luxury of reinstalling one, I would have a vanilla
 >|system w/o any modifications (other that allowing networking) and then
 >|install just vlc (and the dependencies that yum picks for you
 >|automatically) on top of it. If the audio output is OK, then proceed
 >|with the next step you would usually do to install one of these three
 >|systems and check the sound output again. At the end you either have a
 >|working system (but no clue why it was once broken), or better the
 >|audio will break at one step and you will know what is ruining the
 >|audio experience on the other two systems.

Sigh. It may come to this. I'm still hopeful that someone will report a
similar problem and we can compare notes. I may add stuff to the Fedora
partition and see what happens.  


Bob T.

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