On 13/10/12 21:24, O&M Ugarcina wrote:
On 13/10/12 12:53, Paulo Cavalcanti wrote:

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 10:48 PM, O&M Ugarcina <mo.uc...@gmail.com <mailto:mo.uc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        The old nvidia packages do not build for kernel 3.6.1 (F17)
        any more.

        I built the latest 304:


-- Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
        LCG - UFRJ

    That's very good . Would you have a el6 64 version of that by any
    chance . Or perhaps a srpm , I would like to try the new driver
    on my el6 front-end .

My source rpms are always here:

http://people.atrpms.net/~pcavalcanti/srpms/nvidia-graphics304.51-304.51-148.fc17.src.rpm <http://people.atrpms.net/%7Epcavalcanti/srpms/nvidia-graphics304.51-304.51-148.fc17.src.rpm>

I did not build the new nvidia driver for rhel6,
because the 295 series is fine for me. Only F17
with kernel 3.6 requires the 304 series ...

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
Hello Paulo,

Thank you for that , I downloaded your fc17 srpm , and compiled it for el6 . No changes were necessary, used as is , it compiled fine , and created the kmdl as well . I have now installed it and works ok . Really appreciate it . Now I can try a GTX650 on my front end .

Best Regards


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