>>> "PN" == Paul Nelson <ultr...@gmail.com> writes:

> I thought I'd share a package I'm hoping to eventually submit to ELPA.
> It may be topical in view of the recent discussion here concerning
> latexmk.  I would appreciate any advice or suggestions, particularly
> on ways that I could better leverage existing functionality from

> For some people, the key feature of latexmk is that it can compile a
> document continuously, e.g., with the command:

> latexmk -pvc -shell-escape -pdf -view=none -e '$pdflatex=q/pdflatex %O
> -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %S/' my-cool-tex-file.tex

> For many years, my workflow was to edit a tex document with AUCTeX
> while compiling in the background in a shell with latexmk, except when
> I wanted to use AUCTeX's error handling, in which case I would
> temporarily close latexmk and use TeX-command-master.  How ridiculous.

> This package streamlines that workflow by providing a minor mode that
> runs latexmk continuously, parses the error log using AUCTeX, and
> reports the errors via flymake.

Hm, sounds interesting, I have not used latexmk for years, so may be I
am asking something stupid, but here is what I did

    1. Downloaded, compiled and loaded your file

    2. Opened a latex file,

    3. Run tex-continuous-toggle

    4. Run TeX-view (either okular or evince)

    5. Added some text and save the file.

    6. But the corresponding pdf file was not actualized.

I am sure I miss here something, but what?



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I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine. 

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