> Great, I just tested it, I will clone your repository by the way why to
> you call it https://github.com/ultronozm/tex-continuous.el  ?? Couldn't
> you drop the .el?
> The .el sometimes causes problems when opening the directory in dired
> mode I use the extview package, which opens certain files in dired with
> external programs.

I suspect I was imitating someone else's naming scheme - sorry to hear
it's causing problems.  I guess you can specify an alternative
destination name while cloning.  I'm using elpaca, which seems to
automatically drop the .el while cloning.

> I find the these functions very useful especially the
> czm-tex-edit-fractionify-region
> (I wrote something more primitive but stopped using it, since your
> solution is clearly superior)
> Could some of these function be included in auctex?
> What do others think?

I'm very glad to hear that you're finding them useful.  Of course I'd
be happy to see them used or included anywhere, but my personal
feeling is that they're a bit specialized, personal, non-canonical,
subject to taste, etc.

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