Stefan Monnier <> writes:

>> Why would I need the date of the last release?
> Don't know.  I guess I misundersood what you meant by:
>     Instead of looking at specially formatted lines in ChangeLog, it
>     just looks at the git diffs to check when there was a "+;;
>     Version: ..."  change in auctex.el.  ...
> Why do you need to look at diffs?

In order to extract the version number.  Previously that was extracted
from ChangeLog which relied on the exact wording of release commits.

>> Oh, no, one thing doesn't: the fine manuals.  I've changed it so that
>> they stay in doc/ and there's also the dir file referencing the
>> auctex and preview-latex manual.  Do they need to be top-level for
>> elpa (in which case I'd just add an elpa make target doing the move)
>> or can I somehow make that work?
> Indeed, they need to be moved: `package.el` won't see your manual if
> the `dir` is not in the top-level directory (and the Info viewer won't
> search in subdirs, so either you need the Info files to be at
> top-level or you need to change the `dir` file so it refers to
> `doc/auctex`).


> Our tarball build scripts can take care of building the Info files and
> the `dir` (and moving them as needed), so maybe you can just add
>     :manual ("doc/auctex.texi" "doc/preview-latex.texi")
> to the spec and that'll do the trick (with the advantage that the
> manual will then also be made available at
> ``).

Does :manual ("doc/auctex.texi" "doc/preview-latex.texi") tell elpa to
build the docs again although the recipe's :make "all" did already build
them (but at the "wrong" location)?

That would be ok for me; I would also be willing to add a special elpa
make target moving the files or generating another top-level dir file.
But I certainly want the additional benefit of having the docs linked.
Whatever is best for elpa.


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