Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org> writes:

>> Our tarball build scripts can take care of building the Info files
>> and the `dir` (and moving them as needed), so maybe you can just add
>>     :manual ("doc/auctex.texi" "doc/preview-latex.texi")
>> to the spec and that'll do the trick (with the advantage that the
>> manual will then also be made available at
>> `elpa.gnu.org/packages/doc/auctex.html`).
> Does :manual ("doc/auctex.texi" "doc/preview-latex.texi") tell elpa to
> build the docs again although the recipe's :make "all" did already
> build them (but at the "wrong" location)?

At least in my local tests, with

   (auctex :url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/auctex.git";
         :news "NEWS.org"
         :make "all"
         :manual ("doc/auctex.texi" "doc/preview-latex.texi")

and then "make auctex.tar", the manuals & dir file are there only inside
doc/ where running :make "all" has generated them.

> That would be ok for me; I would also be willing to add a special elpa
> make target moving the files or generating another top-level dir file.
> But I certainly want the additional benefit of having the docs linked.
> Whatever is best for elpa.


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