Salut Jean-François,

Not tested idea : 

Can't you fool the parser by writing \^^64ocumentclass instead of 
\documentclass when you are inside the verbatim env.

I guess that the ^^64 is parsed by TeX input processor, so it is not sensitive 
to verbatim catcodification. Am I wrong ?


> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 22:45:40 +0100
> Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] overlay prompting
> Hi Mosè,
> Le 25/01/2016 21:21, Mosè Giordano a écrit :
>> Hi Jean-François,
>> 2016-01-25 10:08 GMT+01:00 jfbu <>:
>>> My document has other AUCTeX-parsing related problems. For example
>>> \begin{verbatim}
>>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>>> \end{verbatim}
>>> similarly triggers AUCTeX to prompt me for xetex/luatex compilation.
>>> This made the workflow a bit painful, but I forgot about it last time
>>> as I was doing latex runs via a Makefile.
>> (setq TeX-check-engine nil)
>> makes the warning go away.
> ah yes, actually you already told me so in the fontspec thread,
> thanks for reminding me
>>> Also, perhaps commands like \setmainfont also make AUCTeX's parser react,
>>> or is it only \documentclass and \usepackage ?
>> \setmainfont isn't parsed.
> ok, then perhaps I will do the ¡ trick after all.
> Rather than \let¡\empty, I could also simply do \catcode`\¡ 9
> to tell TeX/LaTeX to ignore it rather than have it be active
> (which it is via \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}) with an empty
> expansion
> best regards,
> Jean-François
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