Re: Grendal's Cave

Ah, that could be the problem then. I've only tried the game with IE and Jaws, haven't tried Chrome or Firefox, or NVDA. Either way the game is kinda neat if you can play it, though I'm already getting a little bored because despite the semi-realistic combat and unique sensory text, your value goes up so slowly from killing things, and it's so hard to find things to kill, that it gets a bit old after a while. You also have problems like monsters being able to strike fatal blows to unarmored locations. Imagine that, a game with permanent death where you have HP, but it doesn't really matter because if a monster gets a lucky hit in, sometimes even on an armored location, you can just instantly die. Yay. I'll probably stick with it for a while longer just to see if I can at least find the first quest, but so far it's not really looking promising.

Perma death applies less for me in games where you haven't spent time building up your charac ter than it does for RPGs, I really should have specified that. Like for the oldstyle NES games, it was just part of the challenge, but you didn't really have to work on your character much anyway most of the time, you just had to keep him alive through levels. But take a game like dragon Warrior. Imagine if you had gotten to level 30, got to the dragon lord, got him to transform, and then bam, he gets in a lucky critical hit at the wrong time, you die and have to start all over. No saves, no passwords, no nothing. Of course this isn't the case for two reasons, 1 is that by level 30 you will utterly ruin the dragon lords day even if he gets 10 critical hits in on you, and 2 is that there's a fully functional saving system. But that seems to be the way that perma death games are going these days. What? You just put in 25 hours of effort into this character? Oh man, I guess you shouldn't have died then, cause now you have to start all over.

That's actual ly why I gave up on KODP, I put 5 hours at least into a game, got up to the tribe section, and then failed to make a tribe twice even though I was doing everything I could to get it done, so then I was basically just waiting for the game to end because I couldn't beat it. So boring. And after 5 hours of progress wasted, well, I just have better things to do with my time.


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