Re: Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

Well Sabahattin, I can't speak for other vi mailing lists since I've never bothered with any, but I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss audeasy on content, indeed methinks tom ward who moderates that list might have something to say about that big_smile. Certainly over the past few years I've been on audeasy i've read some quite astounding posts and articals by several people, though you are correct that it's not too easy to find those articals afterwards.

Also it only takes a cursery glance at this forum to see lots of inconsequencial topics, or at least topics that serve no public purposes beyond those of the poster, eg, "I need help with X", which is just as much a purpose of this forum as long and informed opinions or scholarly discussions regarding games.

To be honest it actually sounds like your confusing a forum and a blog. A blog would! be someone's articals or opinions on a given topic, like a column in a newspaper or magazine, and thus would naturally be of a more formal nature, however again, that is not the purpose of this forum at all, heck, even if we had! an blog, we'd likely restrict those who could post entries to it precisely because! not all members of this forum are really of a bent to write serious articals, ---- though equally neither should they be.

Also bare in mind there are plenty of highly compitant and informed people who simply prefer one format over another, indeed I remember a debate a few months ago where someone discussed turning audeasy into a forum and the concensus was "why do we need one when those who prefer forums can go to" and there were plenty of people who wanted to stick as a mailing list.

I know myself if this forum were! a mailing list I'd not be subscribed, simply because there is only so much E-mail I can check through each day. This is why I myself am in favor of having both as separate entities and trying to turn a mailing list into a forum or visa versa is a bad idea precisely because it removes elements of choice from people who prefer one or the other.


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