Re: What will happen to aemon deluxe after windows xp dies?

Dark, it seems to me your principle gripe with Windows 7, Windows 8, etc is the lack of 16-bit support for older Dos applications. While I do agree it would be nice if Microsoft built in a good 16-bit emulator for backwards compatibility I also know for 99% of the rest of the world that is unnecessary. For your average sighted Joe he can install Dosbox, and he can play Eamon and anything else he wants to. So from Microsoft's point of view the problem is for the most part resolved. So why spend millions on reinventing what is already there?

Your answer is because you are blind and can not use Dosbox. Therefore Microsoft must spend millions in research and development to satisfy the needs and desires of a very very small minority of customers like yourself. That is unrealistic, and as I think you know businesses do not work that way. In a case like this the customer is not always right, so to speak, because sometimes customers want the unreasonable, and just because Micro soft could do something like add 16-bit support does not mean they should do so for a number of technical reasons beyond what you are seeing.

I think for someone like yourself you could always maintain a Windows XP machine to play older games like Eamon etc, but buy a brand new computer running say Windows 8 for day to day tasks. That way you would have both the old and the new. Problem is solved, and it allows you to upgrade while having compatibility with games like Eamon. I've been doing something like this for years by having a system for Linux for day to day use, and a Windows PC for doing things I cant do under Linux. I fail to see why you could not do the same unless it is the principle of the thing that holds you back.

As far as the issue of being compensated, not liking the user interface, etc that is not easy to answer because it is an entirely subjective state of affairs. I personally like Windows 7, would recommend it for every dedicated Windows user, bu t what I find good about it, what I like about it, and believe are its pros are entirely subjective. If there is a feature I personally like and you don't like it there is no necessarily right or wrong opinion just one's opinion. big_smile

For example, I know you have said on a number of occasions you do not like the new Start Menu. Fair enough, but I disagree with you. I happen to have gotten use to the new Start Menu clear back when Vista came out in 2007, and I rather like the fact I have a split screen with Home, Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Music, Videos, along one side of the screen while on the other side I have the Programs tree view with all the applications and folders. Its visually aesthetic as well as very easy to navigate with NVDA. As my liking it and your not liking it is a matter of personal preference there is no right or wrong opinion here. The proble m is while I am willing to accept the Start Menu as it is Microsoft has made this change without giving you the option to change it back to the classic Start Menu, and you need to install a third-party app like Classic Shell to get some semblance of XP. I know that sounds to you like too much "hassle mucking about with the silly layout" but do you have a choice not to upgrade?

I know in the short term the answer is yes. You don't have to upgrade because that desktop or laptop should easily last another five years without repairs etc. You may even be able to get new software and games for it for that long because XP was a hugely popular OS, and just because Microsoft drops support I see third-party developers holding off on killing support for at least five more years. However, what are you going to do in say five years when that PC breaks down, parts are hard to get to fix it, and there are new games that won't run on XP

I am not asking a silly or idl e ?question here. Weather it is five years or 50 years down the road do you see yourself running XP for the rest of your life? You are in your late 20's now, but do you see yourself at age 60, hair all gray, still playing Eamon on your broken down Windows XP computer? big_smile


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