Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

Interesting Luke. Apple are a bit bad with the proprietary software and addins, though in fairness to them if you buy in to the hole model that's fine.

I don't myself agree on the presentation issue however, since windows 8 has a very similar interface to tablets and iphones, and like apple, microsoft have since windows 7 reduced the amount of customization.

Myself, I think a huge factor in this is simply legacy compatibility. For example,  my university and much of the academic community use ms word format as a standard. When I  investigated if mac had access to these sorts of  files I was  told not without considderable mucking about.

Now,  I fully well can believe mac has as good an office sweet, however you cannot expect academics who have  thousands of papers,  research notes etc, who have all been  sending  documents in ms word format around for about the last  20 years to all either go and buy m acs and instantly switch to whatever apple's office solution is, and only access their existing materials with more difficulty.

Unfortunately,  much of apple's intigration with existing file types and structures is grudging at best, heck I notice this fact myself whenever I try to put one of my carefully  indexed folders of music or audio books onto my iphone, only to have itunes insist on it's own organization.

I'm not of course arguing that it can't! be done, manifestly you can open different file types on mac, however the fact that it is much easier to do so on windows is likely a major factor.

Of course, I  freely admit my experience with macs is limited. this is based just on some research I've done, plus on using ios which, while not actually  a full mac os does at least have some of apple's functionality, but it does trike me this legacy compatibility is one of the major obstacles to people getting ma cs.
Indeed, I suspect one of the cheif reasons institutions use macs more commmonly is that  institutions are often able to go from scratch, and don't have a lot of legacy files they need to support.

Whether in fact mac or pc is better I don't know. I'm not really in a position to say, but I do suspect that this is at least part of the reason individual users are choosing not to buy macs.

That and of course, macs are more expensive big_smile.


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