Re: Books by Stephen King

Well I've just finished misery, which I wanted to gie another chance to being that last time I read it was 16.

As I expected, I was far less bothered by the slow pace, and it helped that the reader did a great anny wilks. I liked some of the atmospheric writing and general nastiness, especially the way Paul's thought of anny changed, but again, the book did seem to drag a bit too much and to peter out  towards the end rather.

Not as bad as I thought, but not one of King's best, particularly since these days I'm a little more  immured to gore so didn't find certain scenes that shocking.

Oh, and I still! found those fake bits from the actual misery books, hammy historical romance though they were far more interesting than much of the story, :d. though I did quite enjoy  some of the  metaphores this time rather more than when I first read the book.


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