Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

I did really like XP. Sure, Classic Shell is half the battle, but modern Windows is still a very large sprawling mess. I mean look at the list in services.msc and Task Scheduler. It's appalling!

Yes, it's modern. I do appreciate that. But XP works, it isn't spying on me, I know exactly what it's doing, and it runs just fine in my VM, fast and responsive. I desperately need a reason to use a modern version of Windows, on bare metal, without going totally insane trying to manage it. sad

Skype on Cocoa is nice. Really nice. Not as keyboard-shortcut rich as the Windows client, but to see Windows users struggle with what Skype has become nowadays makes me a little bit sad for them (and for me, when I'm on Win8.1). But not too much, what with their using Windows and everything. smile

Yep, the lacklustre accessibility of modern Windows blows. Why this is I'm not sure; I guess it's just an ongoing decline. And indeed: still can't do an independent install of the OS. Although, @Chris, see if one of the talking PE environments can help.

@Colton: ah, the age-old, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. If you don't mind MS spying on you, fair enough, but it's not for me. See earlier in the thread for the reasons. And you can choose another OS if you want to. It might be inconvenient or difficult, might cost more, limit your choices, and might require you learn new stuff, but it can be done. If you don't like OS X or Linux, then I guess you already decided you don't want to do that. Mac works for me (no, running it in a VM is a really sucky way to use it, even on a Mac), and there are blind Linuxers out there. Every OS can run virtual machines of every other OS, except Mac which is the only pl atform that runs VMs of itself (but not very well). There is also ChromeOS. Just give them a try, and decide which one gives you the best balance of happiness and functionality. You don't need to make excuses for Microsoft.

But by and large, I'm with Nocturnus and Arqmeister. It's only lack of true and free choice where accessibility is concerned. I daresay that's how we all feel in some respects; after all, we chose our platforms based on our needs and requirements and are now stuck with them, even if that's the privacy-invasive Windows. But I'd truly prefer to have choices that aligned with my principles as well as my requirements. OS X feels to me like a midway point--a good start, but really, I wouldn't have created this topic if I didn't care about reaching the other side of the bridge. Certainly Apple has an agenda too, and while I'm happy living with the consequences now, I don't want to be stuck when the big hammer come s crashing down, as I'm fairly sure it will someday. Their accessibility commitment is terrific and the privacy commitment probably the best in the industry, but OS X won't be a business priority forever. Linux and Windows will simply have to get better, somehow: Linux at actually being useful, and Windows at being a flaming operating system that works and provides usable accessibility without spying on everything.

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