Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

@Flyby Chow: I think you can do this (emphasis on "Think"). All these releases of Windows use the same VHD technology for image backups, so I don't see why an earlier version of Windows shouldn't be able to restore a later one unless the VHD image file format changes.

Perhaps the easiest way to verify it is to just try mounting the VHD file of your backup on an older copy of Windows. If the mount succeeds, then probably the WinPE for that version of the operating system will restore it.

Not very reassuring, I know. Sorry about that. I did try getting definite answers, but as with all things Microsoft, you can never quite be sure when they will next bite you in the arse, so do try and double-check it. If push comes to shove, you can use the Windows DVD for your version of the Windows image, which of course requires sighted help.

Figment wrote:

Since it is the goal of every operating system vendor to sell copies of their products, every one of them are guilty of some form of privacy invasion because they need the demographic information to streamline and improve the effectiveness of their marketing operations.

Nearly. Nowadays, Apple doesn't sell software, it sells hardware, but even when it did sell its software it was significantly subsidised by the hardware it ran on. Perhaps that is why they explicitly ask their customers, when they first use their operating systems, whether or not they wish to volunteer data Apple can use. It won't be helping Apple until the customer next upgrades, and there Apple has more cunning plans. Regardless, there is a big difference between taking data without asking permission and providing a clear consent before any data is ever collected as Apple does.

Figment wrote:

So quit crying about how invasive Windows is, I'm certain that if you l ook hard enough you'll find that Apple is just as guilty as Microsoft, and that Google is no less guilty themselves.

Apple are no saints, but I'm not seeing it. Could be that's because I'm just not looking, but it's most likely because Microsoft really have chosen the same disgusting path as Google, and you're totally OK with that because Microsoft good, Apple bad. So, quit defending Microsoft's unethical practices, and either learn to live with them or move elsewhere. And I'm ready for all your feeble excuses, because I just know you're ready with them. smile

Figment wrote:

Linux is probably your only real option if you want a minimaly invasive operating system for your computer.

Correct, provided that you pick your poison very carefully (so, not Ubuntu, which partners with Amazon to capture your searches). Even source code availability is no guarantee if the program is then going to download bad code behind your back. But this is probably all well within the capability of Linux users and developers to understand and deal with, at least for now. This is, of course, also the reason why Linux isn't on the desktop. But yes, Linux is really the only safe refuge from the machinations of vendors with their own agendas--the only place where money is not the end goal. Must work on getting accessibility to Linux. Is very important.

Figment wrote:

And, unfortunately, no matter how much you cry about the sins of Microsoft, Windows is so well entrenched as the dominant operating system that it will be a very long time before any other operating system ever threatens to replace it, if ever.

Only inside the Redmond Reality Distortion Field (RRDF) where every little thing MS does it a golden shower of capitalist wonder. Out here in the real world, Android is the biggest OS by volume, mobile is king, the web is the new cross-platform, and yes, horror of horrors, Macs are making it into more and more businesses, still command the best margins, and are growing all the time (but not, IMO, for the right reasons). If it were not for the huge deployed base of existing business logic which requires Windows or Microsoft's server products, and certain accessibility concerns we happen to have, Windows would be done by now. And Microsoft knows it. Why else do you think they're giving their OS away for free, and joining Google at a game of involuntary data gathering?

Seriously, if M$ apologists just let go and looked around them, instead of clinging onto these damp straws, they'd probably realise there ar e options. But no, there is only ever one winner, and it's Microsoft. Oh, well, I guess the complete desolation of the Windows Mobile market should wake some of them up--nah, probably not, after all there is always a market for Windows desktops, I mean notebooks, I mean netbooks, I mean ultrabooks, I mean tablets, I mean convertibles, I mean ...

( I was seriously tempted to retort simply with "LOL" but realised that you might simply not know all this, so didn't. But yes, LOL! smile )

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