Re: should accessible steam games be added to the database

You are all missing the point. As Dark said, his definition of accessible is that the game is just as accessible to a visually impaired person as it is to a sighted person, and Steam fails in that regard, so Steam games to not belong here. If you want a web site that includes partially accessible and or mainstream games, go to gamespot, I G N, or any of the many web sites about games, but please don't pollute this site with games that aren't fully accessible to the visually impaired.

Besides having accessibility issues, there's also the issue of whether anyone wants these game clients in their system. More often than not, they cause problems for the games that require them. Back before I knew better, I bought several games through Steam, the games frequently failed to start up properly requiring me to restart them before I could play them, they also frequently hung or crashed. Then I heard that the problem was that the games and the Steam client didn't ge t along so I bought retail boxed versions of the games, and wouldn't you know it? The start up problems, the hanging, and the crashing all stopped. Lesson learned.

Having learned my lesson about game clients like Steam, Origin, and others, I, for one, don't want any game clients, period! They are generally unnecessary and more often than not, they don't add anything of value to the games. A while back there was a game I was interested in until I found out that it was only available through Guide Dog Games, and they use a client similar to Steam in that it has to be running to play the game. My interest in the game went down to zero such that I don't remember the name of the game anymore.

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