Re: Beyond the Bullet (for those who want to play)


Things are going a bit crazy here so I will attempt to clarrify matters.
@luiscarlosgm, I really am not sure what your getting at in post 41 at all, but might I suggest you pull back a bit. the situation is rather tence and throwing around comments like yours, especially when your intention with them is less than clear weren't help.
I am actually on the verge of giving you a mod warning, but sinse I'm not sure whether you are actually calling someone names or just trying to illustrate the sort of comments others make or what exactly your doing I wont', still you are very much skirting close to the edge here. Please show a bit more consideration to other members and think before you write a reply.

@Colton, I'm not going to disentangle your comments here, however one thing strikes me about what you've said. You mention having depression, and then perceive this community and any comments you've recieved as universally harsh. I can't speak for what comments you've had, but given your bleak assessment and the place your in at the moment, I do wonder if your perception of yourself and of what others think of you is accurate.

Were this site the sort of community you describe, I'd frankly be taring my hair out and thinking I'd! done a terrible job as admin. One problem with having depression is that it makes you! your own worst enemy, your own worst crytic. Similarly, if you constantly perceive! that others are out to get you, you will not be in a position to tell the constructive comments from the destructive ones,  respond negatively to all comments and probably not spark good reactions in others either.

One of the most difficult facts about depression is that it makes a person's assessment of themselves much more negative. What friends of mine with depression do is attempt to separate out that sort of judgement and become rational, ie, try to recognize h ow much of what you think of yourself and of the opinions of others is true and how much is just your own bad self crytic talking.

As I said, this isn't to assume you've had universally negative comments, but just that your assessment of the situation and of what others think is likely much more negative than the way things are. No, you cannot please all the people all of the time, but you probably can't displease all of the people all of the time either big_smile.

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