Re: Beyond the Bullet (for those who want to play)


Can I ask people again to remember the rules in the faq. Cryticism and discussion good, personal attacks bad. There are a good few posts in this topic that definitely fall into the latter category and I don't want to have to use brute force moderation measures such as handing out official warnings or closing the thread.

As to the discussion at hand about games and cryticism, I will simply reiterate the above. People are quite free to hold opinions, but how those opinions are expressed is the thing. This is true for most any issue but especially commenting on games that someone has put time into developing.

There is a wide range of difference between, "Perhaps you could add some more types of spaceship to shoot sinse this game can get a little repetitive"

and "this game is a useless  heap of fetted donkey intestines sinse you just do the same thing over and again and only a stupid moron with a brain the size of a sult ana wouldn't put more in it"

One sort of cryticism is constructive, one destructive, one is allowed on this forum and one is not. However the distinction is never that rigid. There are both people who describe themselves as "brutally honest" who are basically just insulting, and over sensative people living on a hair trigger who cannot take anything but constant approval. There are people who cannot cryticise at all for fear of causing offense, and people so sure of their own rightness that they take any! cryticism however it is meant as an attack.

You will encounter these sorts of atittudes and conversations wherever you go, they're a part of life, whether you try making games, or writing, or cooking or just making a friend a cup of tea.

Learning how to recognize what a person is saying, and the attitude behind it, and in your own turn be clear and decent with your own crytical remarks is not just good netiquette, but part of learning t o be a decent, well rounded human being who gets on with others and contributes to things.

So in conclusion, can people just be nice for a change!

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