Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I'm gonna come straight out and say this.

If you can't make a fight difficult without tweaking the mechanics in favour of the AI, you're doing something wrong. I would say this of a mainstream game and I'll say it here.


Since this discussion might have me talking about fights some of you haven't done yet, read at your own risk.

First of all, I still don't understand why you need even levels vs. Irroadium. Why couldn't a level 70 or 75 with a bunch of level 50s whack him, if he doesn't scale in any way?

Second of all, the scaling fights that've happened thus far didn't really need to happen. Fix them at a given level and they can still be fairly hard, depending on coverage.

You say "they're villains, they can cheat". Well technically, what is stopping -anyone from cheating? If you have an arbitrary limit on the number of mons and the number of moves they can each use, that limit should work for everyone. I have never seen a mainstream game break its own rules this way; maybe they're out there, but I've never seen it. The closest I've seen is something like Lance having a level 50 Dragonite, or having an Aerodactyl with Rock Slide, which you couldn't do without a cheat device. Those are small cheats, I can live with little things like that. But big ones, where everything you've come to trust is tossed out the window? Nah, not so much.

I notice that in my speech and in my head I keep comparing this to pokemon. This may be unintentional on your part, but the similarities are really quite astounding, so it's easy to be lulled into thinking you're playing an alternative sort of pokemon. So again, when something happens that breaks the rules, it really comes as a surprise. On that note, I've always thought triple types were a neat idea, and I have no problem with them, probably bec ause they don't come with any overpowering advantage for any person vs. any other. It's not like my Skirial is bug-flying while the foe's is bug-flying-poison.

Another argument against the "cheating" thing:
How does a boss know what my strongest mons are? How does he just so happen to have mons at my level? For storyline purposes, shouldn't he have whatever he's got, and that's it? Unless he, I dunno, makes reference to some device he's carrying around which he taunts you with before powering his mons up. But even that is pretty damn stretchy.

And for the record, I still say one mon who takes almost no damage, heals every round, is immune to all status conditions as far as I know, will heal dropped stats -AND can use multi-target attacks like Earthquake is laying it on awfully friggin' thick.
Pokemon made Mewtwo very hard purely by putting him at a high level, giving him good stats, and giving him a good move. O f course, you can't do that with Irroadium, or it would one-shot or two-shot everything because of your speed mechanics. You'd have no chance to use your own items on either it or yourself before it started busting out the high damage (thus why I suggested you give it modest but not great speed, and high other stats so it takes awhile wo whittle down).

I think this is the best way to sum up my feelings right now. And this isn't anything more than feelings. This part isn't logical argument, per se; it's just a strong impression.
You're doing almost everything you can to make us think pokemon. Levels, moves, types, gameplay mechanics. So when suddenly stuff that works in pokemon becomes a bad idea, or when one manamon is so incredibly strong that you can't even dent it six-on-one, it really, really irks me. Because 98% of the time I'm getting a pokemon-like experience, that's what I've come to want. I don't want scaling . I don't want god-beasts that are near impossible to kill. I don't want arbitrary cheating in order to spike the difficulty. I dislike them all intensely. I want a challenge that's about picking the right type, having enough power and making the journey with a team composed the way I want it. I am all in favour of more difficulty than pokemon games provide, for sure, but this is just...well, I may have to step away for awhile.

Quick edit: I still stand by my easy mode/hard mode unlockables, where scaling and Irroadium are adjusted somewhat. Unfortunately, I have the feeling that some of my lately-expressed gripes are going to get an "oh well, get used to it" sort of response.


Sheepit is a ground type that evolves into...Lamgurk? Why not Chasram or something? Lambs are -baby sheep after all, and "pit" into "chasm" makes sense for a ground type. Purely aesthetic though. I do like some of the names quite a bit. Deciced comes to mind, as do Feefeye, Foefum, Hydrake, Steelion, Tigrath, Terruffalo, Embird and Vultair.

And no, I don't have an ice type. Team is Banyardan (what's the significance of that name, BTW?), Steelion, Belliard, Pandourbit, Fowlecher and that rat thing, who's really not pulling his weight at all and dies in two hits. If anyone gets replaced, it'll be him; all the others are awesome most of the time.

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