Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

things that i thought and want to ask.
this will contain spoilers, FYI.
1. say you are attacking a trainer, why the battle is over when his or hers manamon are dead? the trainer could say: "screw you!" and attack you. it would make sense, wouldn't it?
2. all of those manamon attacking you, but only you, what about other people who just stand there?
3. how old are you in the game?
4. when you meet octiross for the first time and you lose, he knocks you out, why wouldn't he just backstab you later? or hell, even shoot you in  the  head?
5. in the factory, when you enter, all people are like: your new? ok. noone asks you for the shadow warrior ID, it feels like your not the first one to enter the building, hahahahha.
6. where are your manamon in between battles?
7. if your manamon in some sortof mananet before you battle, same thing  with your foe, cant you just attack them before they have a chants to summon there own manamon?
8. why do you have to battle the stadians to get the key? i mean come on... (read this from your point of view.)
you enter the stadian, looking around for your target. "aah, there she is", you smile to yourself. odin, one of the 7 leaders. everyone before you had fought her for the key before, but this time it would be different.
you position yourself in the front row so you can see her better, another challenger walks up to her, they exchange greetings and the battle begins.
you lean forward so not to miss your chants, one shot, that's all it would take, but if you miss, it would alert her.
at last, her back is turned to you, she's busy  giving orders to her manamon, you think. you draw the dart that you have bot from the market. "a nice dart, it would put anyone to sleep", you can hear the shopkeepers voice in your head, well, you will see if he's right or not.
you throw the dart! it hits! for a second, nothing happends. "damn!" you think to yourself, "it didn't work!" then odin falls forward in slow motion. crowd gasps! panic erupts! the crowd surges to there feet.
you jump forward onto the stage  where the fighting began, the challenger, maybe your age, stares at you, his eyes wide in shock? fear?
"everyone leave this place while i check up on her!" you  shout over the crowd. noone leaves. leaning down and looking at the woman u see that she is indeed asleep. you hope that everyone thinks you checking up on her.  quickly looking over her pockets you  find what you're looking for. a key. as you exit the stadian you find your way blocked by 2 policemen. "hi guys," you say.
"hello, we would like to talk about what happend at the stadian." one of them replys
"sure." you say, "what would you like to talk about?"
"well, the challenger who was batt ling odin said that you came onto the stage practicly as soon as she urm, fell."
"yes, i was trying to calm people down and check up on her, you know, to see if she's ok".
"i see," the second man said.
"look guys, i'm tired, i was stopping by for a night in the hotel around here and i thought i'd check out the stadian sinse i had nothing ellse to do."
"really..." the first man said, "and where may i ask your going?"
"i'm going to orianda to see my sister." you reply. you don't want to lie if you can avoid it, and you are going to orianda anyway because that's where is fith stadian is located.
"alright," one of them said.
you walk off to a hotel, planning to leave to the next stadian as soon as sun will rise.
and this is where the story ends, because you get the point of what i'm saying.
it won't work too many times because s ooner or later they're bound to conect the dots.
9. in the shadow kingdom, you fight 3 admins on the sixth floor, and octiross is waiting on the 7th, shouldn't he have heard the fight? that's it for now.

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