Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!


I'll raise a few points here to counter a few of your own, but not in any specific order.

1. Keys are earned, and if stolen, there are very likely one hell of a lot of authorities who'd all pile in and kill/stop/arrest you if you tried that even once. The stadium challenge is officially sanctioned, you're not going out into the woods to find some random hermit who has a key. That said, it's probably very, very secure.

2. All games, bar none, have rules. Most of your questions boil down to "why can't I break the rules, or why can't other people break the rules?". If a game has no rules, it's not really a game, it's a free-for-all. I mean, let's ask a few questions of our own.
Why can't we buy/make/use/find explosives to blow through walls and ruin all the mazes in a tricky area?
Why can't we send out all our manamon at once against one single manamon just to ensure victory?
Why can't we be the bad guy and kill, lie and cheat our way to victory?
Why can't we genetically alter manamon so they have whatever stats we want?
You know what the answer to all of my questions, and most of yours, is? Because it would break the game.
The game has rules to actually make it a game. To make it a sort of reality wherein certain laws aren't broken. If you start screwing with those, it's just not a game anymore.

3. Octoross is a villain. Villains are often arrogant. When he beats you and knocks you out, he has what he wants and doesn't think he needs to kill you, so certain of his own imminent success. When he hears you scuffling with the admins, he figures they're underlings for a reason, and the three of them are bound to take you down. But he's waiting and ready when and if they don't. When he uses like nine manamon against six, he's bending and breaking some of the rules of the game in a way that w ould get him in trouble if he was caught. But the two times he does this, there's really no one else around, is there?

4. When your manamon are not fighting, I imagine they're in capsules created by the mananets, much like a trainer keeps pokeballs on their belt or in a pack. This is a sort of suspended animation or stasis field. Really, it's quite barbaric if you think about it. Pokemon, manamon, the whole works. You go out, take creatures out of their natural habitat, imprison them and then essentially make them fight for your amusement.

5. The main character is supposed to be between 10 and 14 or thereabouts. Which is funny, because one minute he's acting his age, and the next he's talking about stigmatization, which is something I've never, ever heard, say, a twelve-year-old talk about.

End of grumble.

Now, regarding Drabao:
His attack is most useful, as he gets Wing Slash, Blaze Rampage and eventually Draco Breaker, whi ch are all same-type attacks eventually and which all use the attack stat. Hits like a truck, actually. Really do wish he had Dragon Fang though. Hell, maybe he does and I forgot, but I don't think so. I think he gets some underwhelming special-based random elemental breath thing that would never ever fly in a competitive metagame. And Dragon Burst, which is guaranteed 40 damage (great at the beginning of the game, terrible past about stadium 4, and dead weight in the metagame of tomorrow).

And yeah. Regarding those lasers, get into the southern path by stepping east once, then immediately south, then immediately go east. And you're damn near done after that, by the way, so have fun. Haha.

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