Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

I wasn't going to say anything on this thread, but somehow I feel the need to do so. I was once asked if I was ready to "check out of life." Before going any further, let me assure you all that I have never been suicidal. I know people who have thought about it and in one case a member of my church who actually took her own life. I never actually knew her, but I know her husband and son. But I remember the situation like it was yesterday or just a few days ago. I was at home having lunch with a sister of mine when the phone rang. I was still living with my parents at the time. I walked over to answer the phone, and it was the voc/rehab counselor I had at the time. His supervisor was on the call too, and she had previously been my counselor. For whatever reason the government saw fit to promote her within the rehab agency. Anyway, the purpose of their call was to chew me out for writing them a letter in which I expressed the need for more equipment for them. Or perha ps it was services, I can't quite remember. But then they called back after I phoned another supervisor to basically report that I wasn't happy with their services. That second phone call is when I was asked about suicide. Now I'm not a professional counselor of any sort, but I want to urge anyone who is feeling these sort of thoughts, to seek professional and maybe medical help right away. I think this has been stated already in the topic. That's all I wish to say on the matter.


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