Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi aprone.
I have not played swamp for ages.
I really liked and still do like the campaign mode.
Well it was fun but I honestly have not had the time to dedicate myself to playing it.
Between keeping the systems upgraded and secure and real life things.
I have been doing a lot of extensive work testing and sound design for unreality gaming.
And thanks to the summer, its doubtfull that I will be spending time playing much since it gets hot and stays hot from morning till night.
Maybe at night I may get some serious work done but I have had to stay up with all windows open and fans on full till 2 am in the morning at times just to get it to cool down enough to sleep.
Ofcause in between those times I have other things to do and swamp has not actually been at the top of my list.
Saying that I have never been a serious player.
I may chat for an hour or 2 in the safe zone or move round the outsides of buildings etc.
The last time I tried the sewers to map2 I got trapped never getting enough power to get back I think the first time I got close to the end but got lost in the sewers.
And in fact if you had not reset my level I'd still be  unable to return to map1.
Sadly with the latest upgrade of swamp the bug on at least 1 of my gaming xp boxes has returned.
and although I could pull out my other box to play I have never seemed to have the time.
Now christmas is coming up, and next year between various trips and appointments there is a lot on my plate.
Most of it good but still a lot not to mention research work and other stuff that overrides gaming in a big way.
Every so often I do try to get back in but yeah time has run out on me always seems that.
To be honest though I think swamp has had its run.
I have a campaigne folder and to be honest I have not seen that be updated in several months.
No new stuff has been added.
Swamp had its 2 yea rs in the sun.
So if you did release the server, and shut down the primary thats fine by me.
There will be always bad people.
Heck I am not a saint myself I do get overheated at times and this has got me into hot water on lists I freely admit that.
The only thing I do feel sorry for is that I have not had the time to go online lately and still don't.
Swamp is still cool though.


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