Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

alright, aprone, waw,  that was, very powerful, gloomyness there, and since it seems up beet advice will not help, lets talk straight here,
waw, yup,  but we can't blame you, its going to happen that you kill swamp, question is just, when, in that gloomy frame of mind with ever demanding people not seeming to lissen, I think it will be sooner rather then later. and nothing we suggest, weather it is to help you, or not help you, will make an difference. it's quite sad actually to see such a jenius dispirited by such uncaring people  out there. but your reaction is most defenatly a understandable one.
Every time you bring something out, its not, o thank you sir, but instead its, wine wine, wine, this, is not working, that is lost, this person is dooing this, and so on, it really does make a person wonder then what is the point of it all then.
to such an extent that even the legit questions begins to feel like a chore,
but perhaps there is something u can do,  u can just as well let swamp run indefenatly and just delete delete or ignore mesages, shut down the reporting feature in swamp and then see how it goes.
I no i sound harsh  and gloomy here as well. but since up beet advice aint going to soothe your understandably frustrated mood. why not ratehr just say things as they are.
uh, i got a feeling i am going in cyrcles here, and have said this already, but its late here and i am semi tired, so some fluffy thoughts might make there appearance, any way as i was saying, 
let swamp run on. obviously except for rezzerecting the server if power goes out or for some important thing like that, perhaps,  you should do what u wish to do, or perhaps u doing so already, but, leave it to fend for it self. keep secuirity as is, but just happily ignore the bug reports then, ignore people on skype. the moment u see they begin with, aprone, this bug is happening,  or. we've lost th is this this mp5, just sigh and hum the tune of pack man, and skim to the next mesage.
i, for one would completely understand that reaction.
alot of your time got wasted by ungrateful idiotic people.
And your frustrated irritated behaviour with legit, questions plus, the fact you are stil being bothered by people on skype with things u already said you wil not do. makes this even a more understandable situation.
perhaps i am guilty of this as well to a lessor degree. perhaps all of us are.
or perhaps just a good nights rest. which, hopefully,  somehow keep the whoolf at bay for just a few munths more.
alright that was my first gloomy post since i registered with this forem. i, for one. wil go catch a nap.
i really just wish at the end. there was more that we could do, to help.
its a shame to see it all come to this.
but again, I completely understand.
and i, wil be one of them, that do, not. hate you,  what ever dess ition you may choose, and alot of us here, is right behind you. uh, in frunt of you, now wait, is it, left right in frunt or behind, ah, you no what i am trying to say, and waw mental talepathy BCS, posted just as i hit send, he smiles. but yes he said alot of what i agree wtih as well.


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