Re: metroplexity

I was confused at first as well, but I understand it now. battles consist of doing combos. next to each move there is a number by it. the number means the order that particular attack can come in. for example you may see

single shot5

when you see this, you have to put the attacks in order, by pressing enter on each attack in the correct order so what you would do is line it up, so press the attacks in this order

single shot5

once you press enter on all 3attacks in the correct order, then hit the strike button. when the page refreshes, scroll down and it will give you a description of the fight. if you did it correctly, then you should see all 3 of your attacks in the description. now not trying to confuse you, but you can also mix up the order of attacks even if the number is higher, but it has to be defense going into offense. for example what you can do is

single shot5

see wh at I mean. even though
you was suppose to put the punch before the dive because the punch is 2 and the dive is 4, and you are suppose to keep the numbers lined up to smallest to biggest, the exception comes in when you are doing defense to offense, so the numbers don't have to be lined up from smallest to biggest in that case. so lastly what you can not do is

single shot5

see how the numbers are mixed up, and not lined up from smallest to biggest. if you try and do a combo like this, the only thing that will register is your first attack, the single shot, the game will ignore everything after that. also you cant do identical attacks back to back. for example

single shot5
single shot5

if you try this, the only thing that will register is the punch, and single shot, the game will ignore the last attack because it wasn't a different one.

now, when you are choosing attacks, it will not let you know what you have chosen. just know, if you press enter on a attack,, it has been selected, so just press the down arrow and find the next attack you want to put in line, then press enter on that attack as well. keep in mind when you press enter on a attack, the page might refresh and move your curser to a different spot on the page, just find your list of attacks again, and continue the selection. if you get confused, hit the clear button, and start pressing enter on your attacks again. im also still new at the game, but if you need anymore help or questions, feel free to ask.

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