Re: The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

[[wow]] dark, what a glowing review of the shannara series, hahaha.

Interesting opinions though. I'm not sure why I don't find the writing that bad, especially not after reading some of the other books I have. I do know this though, I pretty much never read anything in audiobook form unless it's graphic audio, and I've even dropped off on that. I prefer to read in text with a Sapi Voice.

However, I can tell you this. And this is something that very much impresses me about the series. There will be mild spoilers in the next paragraph, which I don't think Dark will care much about, but anyone else planning on reading the series should stop here.

I don't know if he had this all planned out from the start, but the series actually starts in present day Illinois, in the Word and the Void series. I found I was able to relate to some of the characters, and it explains a lot of why there's references to science in the Shannara books, and why some of the names aren't exactly typical fantasy, like Par and Flick, and why there are more modern names in the books like Jeff and Morgan. I think it's funny that you compare these books to the Lord of the Rings though, because I've tried reading the Lord of the Rings several times and have stopped every time, whereas I've been stuck into this series for months and am still enjoying it. I must be one of the only fantasy buff that isn't into LOTR. I even tried watching the movie once and fell asleep, lol.

I admit the books don't stack up to some of the other fantasy books around, as I said, but I don't quite think they're worth the absolute verbal shredding they were just given either. But I suppose it's all just a matter of opinion, as in all things. BTW after you mensioned that George R R Martin was influenced by Tad Williams, I picked up all of his books I could find and definitely plan to read them at some point in the fut ure.

Fastfinge, well, I'll give you that, Piers Anthony certainly is strange. I've read a couple of his Xanth books, Battle Circle and I think a couple in the Apprentice Adept series, but can't really get into his work much lately. Battle Circle was probably his most down to earth work, though even it had it's strange points.


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