Re: The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

Yeah, that was my problem too. I tried reading the hobbit and found the writing style to be too childish, though supposedly it was meant as a sort of late children's book anyway. Then I tried the first LOTR book and got about to the same point and just got bored. I can't for the life of me figure out why that's supposed to be the hallmark of medieval fantasy.

Dark, yeah, that's basically what I was trying to say. Brooks is OK at combat, though definitely not the best. A lot better than some though. I'm looking at you, Simon R. Green. Gah. It at least seems like brooks puts a little bit of research into writing his combat, or has enough imagination to make it believable rather than just writing a paragraph about someone randomly hacking away with a sword till everyone's dead.

I actually have read all the Sword of Truth books up to 12, not sure if there are anymore out. No idea why I forgot about that series since it's one of my favorit e fantasy series, though you're absolutely right about one thing. Book 12 just felt like a cheap tack-on to the end of the series to keep fans of the series appeased. He was originally supposed to be done at 11, which would have made sense, since one of the cool points of the series was that there was a new wizards rule revealed every book, and now that can't happen from 12 onward. 12 was decent, but nothing compared to the others, and indeed by comparison I actually have forgotten most of the major details of it.

Fastfinge, lol, that almost sounds like some weird spinoff of Flexible Survival. Though of course, if anything were a spinoff, it'd be FS, since Piers Anthony was around long before that game ever existed. But that's what it reminded me of.


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